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School Parliament

The student parliament is made up of three sub-committees (Sustainability, Learning  and Wellbeing) that all run side by side to help make improvements across the school. The improvements are voiced by the children at Disley Primary School and actioned by the elected committee members.

Role of the Student Parliament:

  • To create in cooperation with the Head Teacher, Assistant Head Teachers, staff and students, a better school life for the student of our school.
  • To represent students’ views to management.
  • To provide students with opportunities of leadership and to develop in all students a sense of responsibility.
  • To meet in their sub-committees at least once per half term and as a parliament once per term
  • To encourage the students in the school to become more aware of how the school is run and to constructively identify and express their needs.
  • To contribute to overall school development by being involved in school policy development and to be a resource in working in partnership with the management of the school.
  • To act as liaison where appropriate between the students and the teaching staff and management.
  • To act as a peer support group and deal with bullying.
  • To be a channel of communication in the school.

Student Parliament 2024-25:



Disley Primary School

Dane Bank Drive, Disley, Stockport SK12 2BD