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Times of the School Day

We expect children to arrive on time each morning.

This helps them to make a good start to every day and to learn well.


Doors open from 8:50 am to 9:00am


Collection is from 3:15pm to 3:20pm 



Key Stage 1 (Infants)

Doors open from 8:50am to 9:00am


Collection is from 3:20pm to 3:25pm 



Key Stage 2 (Juniors)

Doors open from 8:50am to 9:00am


Collection is from 3:20pm to 3:25pm




10.15am – 10.30am – Reception and KS1


10:30am - 10:45am - KS2


2.15pm – 2.30pm – Reception and KS1 only




Reception - 11:45am - 12:45pm


KS1 - 12:00am - 1:00pm


KS2 - 12:15pm - 1:15pm


In the morning, children should not arrive on the premises before 8.50a.m, by which time a member of staff (usually the Headteacher) will be supervising the playground.


  • Children arriving after 9.00a.m. will be marked as late  
  • Children arriving after 9.30a.m. will be marked as an unauthorised absence for the morning session

Informing us about absence

We are proud of our excellent attendance rate at Disley,

Parents have the responsibility for ensuring that their child attends school unless there is a medical reason why not. They should inform the school on the first day of absence if their child cannot attend for any reason. Please try to ring school before 9.00a.m. on the first day of absence. For medical and dental appointments, please inform school by contacting the office staff on 01663 797332.

Please do not take your children on holiday during term time. Parents are legally responsible for ensuring their child attends school each day. Holiday requests will NOT be authorised. You will need to request permission from the Headteacher for any planned absence in writing.

Children who are persistently absent from school without good reason will be contacted and if necessary referred to the Education Welfare Officer.

Disley Primary School

Dane Bank Drive, Disley, Stockport SK12 2BD