Club DP
Club DP has now been running since September 2018.
Thank you to all the parents who have supported us since that time.
Our vision:
- We will offer all children who attend a fun, safe and stimulating environment.
- We will ensure that the interests and needs of all children are reflected in the activities offered each day.
- We will ensure continuity of care and provision for the children through a consistent approach reflecting Disley Primary School's ethos and aims.
- We give the opportunity for children to do homework where possible.
Club DP is open to children who attend Disley Primary School.
Please note
Please email to register your child with Club DP. Please use this email for any communication for Club DP.
The Club DP email is checked daily term time only. If you need further assistance, please contact the school office 01663 797332.
Club DP is now all online. When you have instructed us to register you with School Comms, you will be sent an email with details on how to download the School comms/Gateway app where you will be able to book sessions and cancel sessions. Sessions can be booked or cancelled up to 7.30am for mornings and 2.30pm for evenings, so giving parents lots of flexibility.
If you use childcare vouchers to pay for Club DP please ensure you email to arrange this. The funds from the vouchers will be added to the account every Friday.
Certain sessions are busier than others, so there are 'Extra Sessions' on certain evenings where we have extra staff cover.
We follow the school behaviour policy which can be found under Key Information/Policies.
Early Adopters Breakfast Club:
We are excited to be part of the government’s breakfast club early adopter scheme, which is funding universal breakfast clubs in up to 750 primary schools by providing us with 60p per child. From summer term 2025 (22nd April 2025), government-funded breakfast clubs will be available in early adopter schools, as part of a test and learn phase, so that the government can plan for a full national roll-out of universal breakfast clubs in primary schools.
As part of the offer, Disley Primary School will offer 30 minutes of childcare alongside a government-funded breakfast. The club is open to all pupils from Reception to Year 6. Please see the Early Adopters letter for further details.